Nationally Certified by the Washington State Healthcare Authority!
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Qty 1-14 - $18.00 per pad Qty 15+ - $16.00 per pad PRIME SUBSCRIBERS - $14.00 per pad
Sold in pads of 25 sheets. This decision aid is for people with serious illness (like heart or lung disease or cancer) facing a decision about attempting CPR. Individuals are guided to consider what care they would want if their heart and breathing stop. This decision aid will help an individual consider his/her options for CPR and personal values. The individual may change their choice at any time.
The following webinar shares a general overview of Respecting Choices decision aids and provides an example of a shared decision-making discussion using the CPR decision aid. You may want also want to print our Spanish Decision Aid User Guide as a helpful resource.
One of the ultimate goals of Respecting Choices’ approach to person-centered decision making is to assist individuals in making informed decisions that align with their expressed goals and values. Person-centered conversations are promoted through a shared decision-making process aided by tools to help patients understand information in an unbiased manner and weigh these options against their personal goals and values.
Respecting Choices’ decision aids are designed to be used during an in-person discussion with a healthcare professional and as part of a larger conversation with a patient (and family) facing a potential decision about certain options associated with the patient’s illness. The setting may be a clinic, physician's office, or hospital.
- Developed and tested using a standardized process including evidence-based research, patient focus groups, and clinician feedback
- Information presented in an understandable format for ease of application with all patients
- Developed to comply with national qualifications for certification
- Intended for people facing treatment decisions associated with a serious illness
- Not intended for widespread use and availability
- Healthcare professional presenting decision aid would ideally be a certified ACP Facilitator who has completed Next Steps, Advanced Steps, and/or Shared Decision Making in Serious Illness
Click here if you are interested in a Materials Subscription Agreement for RC Decision Aids (with ability to co-brand) and/or Making Choices Materials.